Bulletin Board
Update: 14 June 2024
♦ Division Schools SharePoint Online (CAC Required):https://usmc.sharepoint-mil.us/teams/DivisionSchools/SitePages/Home.aspx
♦ Division Schools will no longer be taking nominations via our email, rather nominations will be taken via our MS Form process. See the "Nomination Process" tabfor additional information.
Update: 15 March 2024
The following forms have been uploaded to the Forms tabfor Corporals Course:
♦ Corporals Course Command Screening Checklist
♦ Corporals Course Nomination Roster Format
♦ Corporals Course Gear Inspection Checklist
♦ Corporals Course Known Appointments Screener
♦ Corporals Course Obligated Service Waiver
♦ Corporals Course Rank Requirement Waiver
♦ Corporals Course Uniform Inspection Checklist
Join the Division Schools Team
If you are interested in an assignment to Division Schools, please contact our Operations Chief or Training Chief:
Operations Chief
Gunnery Sergeant P. S. Collier
Office Number: 760-725-8759
Training Chief
Staff Sergeant Arthur F. Renteria
Office Number: 760-725-8758
Assignment to Division Schools provides an opportunity for Marines to expand their instructing abilities outside of their MOS. The following billets are available. Please contact our Operations Chief or Training Chief for rotation information:
Division Schools, HQBn | DS-001 | O4 | O4 | 8007 | Director | 12 Months | Overall School Management | No internal Command |
Division Schools, HQBn | DS-002 | O2 | O2 | 8007 | Deputy Director | 12 Months | Curriculum, academics and website oversight | No staff oversight |
Division Schools, HQBn | DS-003 | E7-E8 | E7 | 8014 | Operations Chief | 12 Months | External operations, personnel management, range management, and external agency coordination | Inability to manage external ops |
Division Schools, HQBn | DS-004 | E6-E7 | E6 | 8014 | Training Chief | 12 Months | Internal Operations, curriculum and academics and website management | Inability to manage internal ops |
Division Schools, HQBn | DS-005 | E5-E6 | E5 | 8014 | Logistics Chief | 12 Months | Logistics Management | Unable to source/manage logistics support |
Division Schools, HQBn | DS-006 | E4-E5 | E4 | 8014 | Ammo Handler | 12 Months | Ammunition Management | Unable to sustain operations |
Division Schools, HQBn | DS-007 | E3-E4 | E3 | 8014 | Armory Custodian | 12 Months | Armory Management | Unable to maintain armory |
Division Schools, HQBn | DS-008 | E3-E4 | E3 | 8014 | Armory Custodian | 12 Months | Armory Management | Unable to maintain armory |
Division Schools, HQBn | DS-009 | E5-E6 | E6 | 331 | FMTC/BMGC Lead Instructor | 12 Months | MCO 3574.2M/NAVMC 3500.44D | Inability to run FMTC/BMGC |
Division Schools, HQBn | DS-010 | E4-E5 | E5 | 331 | FMTC/BMGC Instructor | 12 Months | MCO 3574.2M/NAVMC 3500.44D | Inability to sustain FMTC/BMGC |
Division Schools, HQBn | DS-011 | E4-E5 | E4 | 931 | FMTC/BMGC Instructor | 12 Months | MCO 3574.2M/NAVMC 3500.44D | Inability to sustain FMTC/BMGC |
Division Schools, HQBn | DS-012 | E4-E5 | E4 | 931 | FMTC/BMGC Instructor | 12 Months | MCO 3574.2M/NAVMC 3500.44D | Inability to sustain FMTC/BMGC |
Division Schools, HQBn | DS-013 | E4-E5 | E4 | 931 | FMTC/BMGC Instructor | 12 Months | MCO 3574.2M/NAVMC 3500.44D | Inability to sustain FMTC/BMGC |
Division Schools, HQBn | DS-014 | E5-E6 | E5 | 8014 | Cpls Course Lead Instructor | 12 Months | MarAdmin 551/21 | Unable to sustain throughput |
Division Schools, HQBn | DS-015 | E5 | E5 | 8014 | Cpls Course Instructor | 12 Months | MarAdmin 551/21 | Unable to sustain throughput |
Division Schools, HQBn | DS-016 | E5 | E5 | 8014 | Cpls Course Instructor | 12 Months | MarAdmin 551/21 | Unable to sustain throughput |
Division Schools, HQBn | DS-017 | E5 | E5 | 8014 | Cpls Course Instructor | 12 Months | MarAdmin 551/21 | Unable to sustain throughput |
Division Schools, HQBn | DS-018 | E5 | E5 | 8014 | Cpls Course Instructor | 12 Months | MarAdmin 551/21 | Unable to sustain throughput |
Division Schools, HQBn | DS-019 | O2 | O2 | 0302/0802 | SUAS/CSUAS Integration Course OIC | 12 Months | Division CG Mandate | Inability to run SUAS |
Division Schools, HQBn | DS-020 | E5-E6 | E5 | 0302/0802 | SUAS/CSUAS Integration Course Instructor | 12 Months | Division CG Mandate | Inability to run SUAS |
Division Schools, HQBn | DS-021 | E4-E5 | E4 | 0302/0802 | SUAS/CSUAS Integration Course Instructor | 12 Months | Division CG Mandate | Inability to run SUAS |
Division Schools, HQBn | DS-022 | E4 | E4 | 0302/0802 | SUAS/CSUAS Integration Course Instructor | 12 Months | Division CG Mandate | Inability to run SUAS |
Division Schools, HQBn | DS-023 | E4 | E4 | 0302/0802 | SUAS/CSUAS Integration CourseInstructor | 12 Months | Division CG Mandate | Inability to run SUAS |
Division Schools, HQBn | DS-024 | O2 | O2 | 0302/0802 | SIGMAN Leaders Course OIC | 12 Months | Division CG Mandate | Inability to run SIGMAN |
Division Schools, HQBn | DS-025 | E4-E5 | E4 | 0302/0802 | SIGMAN Leaders Course Instructor | 12 Months | Division CG Mandate | Inability to run SIGMAN |
Division Schools, HQBn | DS-026 | E4 | E4 | 0302/0802 | SIGMAN Leaders Course Instructor | 12 Months | Division CG Mandate | Inability to run SIGMAN |
Division Schools, HQBn | DS-027 | E5 | E5 | 8014 | NITE Lab Lead Instructor | 12 Months | Division CG Mandate | Inability to run Nite Lab |
Division Schools, HQBn | DS-028 | E4-E5 | E4 | 8014 | NITE Lab Instructor | 12 Months | Division CG Mandate | Inability to run Nite Lab |
What is Division Schools?
Division Schools is an asset to all 1st Marine Division units that provides a means to fulfill training and education requirements by alleviating the logistical burden from units when it comes to producing certain Military Occupational Specialties, fulfilling Professional Military Education requirements, or achieving Training & Readiness Standards. Division Schools accomplishes this by offering the following courses:
(Click on the links for further course information)
1. Corporals Course
2. Formal Marksmanship Training Course
a. Combat Marksmanship Coach
b. Combat Marksmanship Trainer
3. Basic Machine Gun Course
4. Combat Trauma Management
5. Warfighting Skills Course
6. Company Commander Course
7. Small Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)/Counter-Small UAS Integration Course
8. Signature Management (SIGMAN) Leaders Course
9. Night Imaging and Threat Evaluation (NITE) Lab
While Division units will have priority, Division Schools does also accept nominations from over 180 units acrossIMEF, TECOM, MARCORSYSCOM, MCI-WEST, and MARFORRES. Some courses will have control dates when it comes to priority to ensure consistent enrollment, other courses may not have this date control and priority will only become a concern if seats become competitive. Please refer to the individual course tabs.
Courses Offered
Division Schools offers the following courses and hosts the following events. Any questions concerning any of the following should be directed to the Division Schools staff.
Contact Us:1st Marine Division Schools Email:1stmarinedivisionschools2@usmc.mil
Standard Courses (Courses that have been offered by Division Schools for over six months)
♦ Corporals Course (CPLC)
♦ Formal Marksmanship Training Course (FMTC)
♦ Combat Marksmanship Coach (CMC)
♦ Combat Marksmanship Trainer (CMT)
♦ Basic Machine Gun Course (BMGC)
♦ Combat Trauma Management (CTM)
♦ Warfighting Skills Course (WSC)
♦ Company Commander Course (CCC)
♦ Small Unmanned Aerial System/Counter Small Unmanned Aerial System Integration Course
♦ Signature Management (SIGMAN) Leaders Course
♦ Night Imaging and Threat Evaluation (NITE) Lab
♦ Drone Racing Team (Not offered as a course - Contact 1stLt L. Scher (Team OIC) - lucas.scher@usmc.mil)
Unit Challenges
♦ Standard Bearer Challenge
♦ Blue Diamond Challenge
♦ Annual Division Squad Competition
Nomination Process
The nomination process for Division Schools utilizes MS Forms. MS Forms facilitates by providing a survey-style submission process that ensures required information is filled and submitted to the appropriate course personnel.
The link below leads to an example course submission:
At a minimum, the unit will provide for each individual Marine:
- Rank
- Last Name
- First Name
- Middle Initial
- Date of Rank
- Duty Status
- Unit
- Company/Battery/Section
- Base From
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- Billeting (Required or Not Required)
- POC (Rank, Name, Phone Number, Email)
- Remarks
Each of the courses offered by Division Schools publishes an MS Form link prior to the execution of each course. Unit training offices need to pay close attention to each course's required nomination process dates to ensure effective nomination submissions:
- CPLC 8-24 (01/52 Seats)
Registration Open: 1 July 2024
Registration Closed: 5 August 2024
Report: 9 August 2024
Convene: 12 August 2024
Graduation: 29 August 2024
Redundancy is always a good thing to ensure your Marines are registered for a course. Division Schools in the past has utilized the following Outlook Mailbox for nominations but way forward will only utilize this method as a communication tool for Division Schools staff to send units confirmation of their Marines' registered status.
Confirmation sent to units by Division Schools staff will be sent via:Outlook Mailbox - 1stmarinedivisionschools2@usmc.mil
Nominations will no longer be taken via our Outlook mailbox starting July 2024.
Division Schools willreply to your nomination either confirming that your nominations have been seated for the requested course or advising the contrary. If your nomination is unable to be seated, we will normally offer the next availability that works for your unit and/or the individual Marine. If you do not receive a reply to your nomination within 24-48 business hours, please contact the Operations Chief or Training Chieffor a follow-up.
Please note that each of the courses we offer will have their own specific requirements. We advise that you refer to the respective course linksfor this pertinent information prior to nominating any Marines for a specific course. Failure to adhere to these guidelines or meet set requirements will slow the process down and prevent Marines from promptly being registered for a course.
Billeting and DTS
Division Schools provides billeting for Marines attending from external bases. Units
are still requiredto indicate whether or not their Marines will need government billeting. It is the responsibility of the unit to coordinate timing with Division Schools staff.
For Camp Pendleton Marines that will require billeting for whatever reasons, it is the responsibility of their parent unit to request billeting and receive confirmation that the arrangements havebeen made. Division Schools holds no responsibility for billeting of Camp Pendleton Marines until the unit submits the request and receives a confirmation of receipt.
Defense Travel System
Division Schools is able to provide government billeting upon request. If there are no availabilities for the requested time, we mayprovide a non-availability letter.
Division Schools has access to government dining via the 33 Area Dining Facility.
Travel expenses, rental vehicles, incidentals, and per diem will be unit funded.
Forms below can also be found on our SharePoint site:Division Schools - Home (sharepoint-mil.us)
Corporals Course Forms
- CPLC Command Screening Checklist
- CPLC Gear Checklist
- CPLC Known Appointments Screener
- CPLC Obligated Service Waiver
- CPLC Rank Requirement Waiver
- CPLC Uniform Inspection Checklist
Formal Marksmanship Training Course Forms
Basic Machine GunCourse Forms
sUAS/C-sUAS Integration Course
Updates Pending
SIGMAN Leaders Course
Updates Pending
♦ In transition
♦ Email:
♦ Office Number: 760-725-8756
Deputy Director
♦ Captain A. Ramos
♦ Email: abraham.ramos@usmc.mil
♦ Office Number: 760-725-8757
Operations Chief
♦ Gunnery Sergeant P. S. Collier
♦ Email: patrick.s.collier@usmc.mil
♦ Office Number: 760-725-8759
Training Chief
♦ Staff Sergeant Arthur F. Renteria
♦ Email: arthur.renteria@usmc.mil
♦ Office Number: 760-725-8758
M7 (Navy Education and Training)
♦ Chief Petty OfficerPeter G. Harding Jr.
♦ Email: peter.harding@usmc.mil
Instructor Cadre
Lead Instructor, Corporals Course
♦ Sergeant Skyler W. Powers
♦ Email: skyler.powers@usmc.mil
Lead Instructor, Formal Marksmanship TrainingCourse
♦ Sergeant Garrett J. Mueller
♦ Email: garrett.mueller@usmc.mil
Lead Instructor, Basic MachineGun Course
♦ Sergeant Juan D. Martinez
Lead Instructor, Combat Trauma Management
♦ HM1 Cody W. Roberson
♦ Email: cody.roberson@usmc.mil
Course OIC, Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Integration
♦ First Lieutenant James M. McMahon
♦ Email: james.mcmahon@usmc.mil
Course OIC, Signature ManagementLeaders Course
♦ First Lieutenant Lucas T. Scher
♦ Email: lucas.scher@usmc.mil
Course OIC, Night Imaging and Threat Evaluation (NITE) Lab
♦ Lieutenant Etienne T. Kinney
♦ Email: etienne.kinney@usmc.mil
Cadre Support Request
Often, Division Schools is requested to support units across the MAGTF for various machine gun ranges and non-standard shooting packages. To better facilitate the demand, Division Schools is implementing a request process for units to submit through. Submissions for cadre support will receive either an initial approval or denial. When approved, this will begin a conversation to refine the coordination process.
All submission will be sent via: Outlook Mailbox: 1stmarinedivisionschools2@usmc.mil
The email subject line will read:
"CADRE SUPPORT REQUEST" followed by the name of the unit requesting.
In the request, units will provide:
- Dates, From and To
- Location(s)
- Number of personnel
- Concept of Operations
For any questions, please contact the Division Schools staff. POC information can be found in the Contact Us tab.
- Units will be responsible forfurnishing their own weapons and ammunition. We may offer guidance on this process.
- Units will be responsible to supply chow and water for their Marines as needed.
- Units will be responsible for providing their own RSO/OIC. If RSO/OIC support is required from Division Schools to meet weapons certification requirements, please indicate this in the request.
- Units will be responsible for providing their own Safety Vehicle and Corpsman support.
- Units will be responsible for providing their own means of communication to Range Safety.
Contact Us
- Director - (760) 725-8756
- Deputy Director - (760) 725-8757
- Operations Chief - (760) 725-8759
- Training Chief - (760) 725-8758
- Navy Education Training Office - (760) 763-6632
- 1st Marine Division Schools Email:1stmarinedivisionschools2@usmc.mil