The Pender Republic from Pender, Nebraska (2024)

Miii ii g. Wnitav.i '4 FKNDZS UPITBUO. i QUESTIONED ABOUt FUND HE IS TRYING TO RAISE WEEKLY SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON INDIAN GIRLS STOOL PIGEONS HOST PAY FOR- -YOUTH'S LABOR Calvary ANOTHER COrNTT SKAT nGirr in making "Curtis. Neb. (UP) Pointing outh that it would mean a saving lu costa to taxpayers, these campaigning for the removal of the Frontier county seat from Stockville to Curtis have requested the county commissioners to put he matter to vote st the August 12 primaries.

By holding the county seat election in connection with the regular primary balloting Instead of staging a special election, it is contended, the sang officers who count the regular ballots can enumerate the votes on the county seat proposal. Citizens of both Curtis and Stockville are fighting for the possession of the county seat and are seeking to enlist the support of friends in their respective camps. It is expected taat tite decision, when reached will rest with a very narrow margin of voters. Nebraska Supreme Court Haleb Pierce County Fanner for $875 Lincoln, Neb-pcctal)The supreme court affirmed a decision i ot a Jury to the Pierce county dtstrtc. court in which Harry wa tiUUIv Ml wvliswaa ssasig awarded 8875 to pay for the work fie.

Hen he did for an uncle Henry wnbm he lived from the tint? he was years old until ba FiembM claimed ha hod treated the toy aa one of the fam-. ity, sending him to school, furnish- Ing his clothes and letting him use-a car and said he owed the tor nothing since he acted in the place of a parent. 1 It was held by. the court. that evidence proved the boy was taken from schcql when ha was 18 years old and worked as a -hired hand.

-getting only botrd, room and the-o'hcr appurtenances of such a Job, r-Td that Fleming hod talked to Koehler's gusuian, indicating that he filt obliged to pay for the NEW BONDS ISSUED BY NEHRAKSA TOWN'S tfncolu, Neb. (Special) Accord-" ing lo a report issued bp Bond Examiner Ralph C. Law'gpnce. a total of tl.653.CC9 bonds were approved and registered in the state auditor's of ice in May of this year. Many o' were refunding bonds which represent a decrease in interest to muuicipaities.

The Norfolk echoed dir.rlct ts-ued $225J0 and Fremont issued 8100,003 per cent refunding Winnebago school (131-trict issued 820 00 5 per cent re-- funding bonds In place of outstanding bends which bore interest at a higher rate. The list of payment cl bonds was headed by North Bend, with 83IAC0, Norfolk being second with 811.000 of bonds paid. The list Includes: school district. Belgrade school district, Ewing school Fremont school district. Fort Calhoun, Hooper, 8300; Humphrey, 81,003: Niobrara school district, 81 North Bend, North Logan drainage district in Dixon and Cedar counties, Norfolk, Page school district, 81.033: Pliinvlev, 82.200: Scribner school district, f.3.fi03; Snyder.

Tiid-en school district, Washington county schools, tlJCVi; Wausa, 8800; Wausa school district. Wayne, 81.000; Winncbega school district. $8,000. Text: Matt. And when they were come unto a place called Golgotha, that li'-to sty, a place of a skull, They gave him vinegar to drink, mingled with gall: and when he had (lasted thereof, he would not drink.

-And they crucified him, and parted his garments, casting lota: that It might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, They parted my garments among them, and upon my vesture did they cast lots. And sit ting down they watched him there; And. set up over his head his accusation written. This is Jesus the king of the Jews. Then there were two thieves -crucified with him; one on the right hand, and another on the left.

And they that passed b7 'reviled him. wagging their heeds. And saying, Thou that destroyest the temple, and bulkiest it in three days, save thyself. If thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross. Likewise also ths chief priests mocking him, with the scribes and elders, He saved 'others; hlmsef he cannot save.

If he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cress, and ws will believe him. He trusted in God; let him deliver him now, If he will have him; for he said. I am the But of God. The thieves also, which were crucified with him, cast same in his teeth. Now from the sixth hour there was darkness oyer all the land untu the ninth hour.

And about tbe ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice; saying, EU; Eli. tarns sabachtbaniT that is to ssy. My God, my C-cd, why hast thou forsaken me? Same of them stood there, when they heard that, said. This man -caUeth for Eftasi And one of them ran, and tcok a sponge, and filled it with vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave him Jo The rest caid. Let be, let us see whether Ellas will come to save them.

Jesus, when be bad jerled again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. DEFEAT BOND ISSUE FOB FAIRBURY AIRPORT Fcirbury, Ey a sis- Jcrily vote of tbe proposition -5 tavue- bonds for a municipal airport -was defeated st a special election here Tuesday. The Junior-Chamber of Commerce tad other civic organ- -featicKs had sponsored the propcxl bond issue. Lincoln, Neb. (UP) J.

P. Lows; Lincoln man who is endeavoring to raise funds to erect a girl's national mission home here, was taken before Secretary E. M. Pollard of the department of public welfare today by Captain of Detectives -Anderson to give an explanation of his project. Lowe said his plan wes to erect a home where girls of-all ages and occupations could live while away from home.

He had In mind students apd businers girls After establishing a home here, he would expand the organization to erect a simitar' institution in every state in the union. His subset iptiah force consist? of three young women. Wednesday they turned in reports showing that their subscriptions during the day amounted to 99 cents -ComplalAts against the project reached Ceptain Anderson from the community chest, he said, he took Lowe to Pollards office. Secretary Pollard explained there' is nc taw to prevent (he rslelng of funds for such an institution, nor is there anything to prevent its operation under the present statutes 'JH ELECnOLCAU Governor of Nebraska Issues Proclamation Scttinr August 12, as Date Lincoln, Net. (UP) Arthur J.

Weaver issued a proclamation Thursday announcing that a primary election ha been called lor August 13, 1930 In the slate ot Nebraska. Tbe nominees to fcs named are; A candidate for United States senator oy each political party; one candidate for congressman far each of the six congressional districts in the state; each political party- to vname one candidate for the state offices of governor, disutenant gov-erring, secretary of state, auditor, commissioner of public lands and buildings, state treasurer, railway state senator from each of the'-33 state senatorial districts, 'representatives from representative each of the districts. On the non-pojrtical state, there are to be nominated uro candidates from each of the throe odd-numbered supreme court olrtricta for Judge of the supreme Cqurt; two candidates lor stale superintendent; candidates for the board, of regents of the state university in districts No. i and No. 2.

Candidates are to be nominated also for the various county offiqea to be filled at tbe general lice in November. WAYNE CASE IN SUPRE ME COURT Echo of Lund Price Boom Heard in Argument at Lincc'n Lincoln. Nib. (Special) The supreme court heard arguments In tbe nee from Vaync county where a 'farm was sold by Stephen Acker to gatlsfy a deficiency Judgment secured to a foreciosura suit agamst Bichard Rlize. Aukir had cold land to Ritze during a boom period and the bottom bad fallen out of ths market, leaving some of the accounts un3ctUwl.

At the time of tbe sals to cclkct the Judgment, the title to tbs property rrstsd In Rltee's children who contend that the sate was invalid. that the land belonged tahern, and nce they ware In the court had no right to take the property without a trial by Jury. This is the second time the case has been before the supreme-court. OFFER REWARD FOR ARREST WRONGDOERS Morrill Neb. (Special) A cash reward of $103 has bern offered by the school board of District No.

,47, Sioux county, for the apprehension of persons who broke into the school building, tare a targe flag from tbe wsUr. tramped it on the floor, took records and papers from the desks of two teachers and took papers and books from desks and strewed them about ths building. Ink and pgfte bottles were emptied on thc floor and window boxes were empties over the roc The state and. County fair txhiblta on which pupils Jtad been were destroyed. Obcrene language was written cn ths blackboard.

OMAHA STOCK EXCHANGE TO OPEN FRIDAY OmoTia, KcB! CUP) Trading oiT the Omaha Stock exchangs which opens tomorrow will bs limited to inc hour a day for the present. President F. C. Bell announces. The exchange will he housed at Omaha Grain Exchange building.

Trading hour will be from 10:33 to 11:33 a. R. Forty one iterkx will be listed. Charter members of the- exchange wlti exceed 25. TOWN TO HAVE DAYLIGHT TIME Eeottsbluff, Neb.

(UP)- Clocks win be set ahead one hour to Scotis-bluff at midnight Friday as day-llzht saving time becomes eilective under previsions of a rejciutlon passed by the eitjr ewneH this week. The daylight time will tive until midnight of the first Sun. day iu September. Under this new jilcn, ths time win bs tbs rams v. Centre! etandsrd time, instead of (ho came os mountain standard time.

Claim Federal Agents Employed Them to Trap Reservation loggers Omaha, Neb. (UP) Munlcipa Judge George Holme "ordered Investigation Monday, Into a story of to Italian girls from the Omaha reservation at WalthiU, who were arraigned. 'before him on intoxication The girls, BessiKOthers, 23 years old, and Betty AnnvMcCauley, 20 year old, declared they'tasted their first liquor while acting ai undercover agents far Indian agentsjrtio are trying to oust bootleggers frdm. the reservation. The girls testified before a federal grand Jury here last week and their testimony is said to have resulted in secret indictments of several alleged sellers of liquor to In- It is a dastardly system that would make debauchees of these Indian girls, Judge Holmes declared.

It is a contemptible, un-American nractice. --S -T1 The girls protested that they had never tasted liquor before their em ployment. They were picked up by policemen while on a party; given them, they said, by white men whom they had met at federal building after they had testified. Judge Holmes turned them over to federal authorities and asked U. 6.

Marshal Cronin to Investigate their stories. BIG STILL CAPTURED NEAR WALTHILL, NEB. WaHStill Neb. On complaint filed by County Attorney a R. Bourfln, before Judge J.

Mul- taneft a search warrant was given ts Constable U. G. Austing, authorizing search of the farm occupied by George A. Simpson, southeast of WaltitllL Simpson was captured but at least twi other men escaped In the timber and couldnot be trued The officers confiscated the largest still ever found in this part of the state, equipped' with a complete pressure burner, filters and an accessories. It was necessary to get the largest truck in town to tnuuport the equipment from the farm.

In addition, there were 10 barrels of mash, 000 pounds of sugar, 00 pounds of yeast, and a large quantity of bottles and containers The still bad bear set up in a timbered canyon, where water waa secured from a spipng. While it was thought that Simpson was not financially able to own this elaborate equipment and stock, he insisted it. was His outfit and assumed 'full responsibility. CHARGES EXTRAVAGANCE IN OMAHA CITY AFFAIRS Omaha, Neb. (UP) Fire Commissioner Roy N.

Towl only non-, member of the city hall slate to be elected in city elections last month, threw the city council meeting into a turmoil Monday when he hinted that he may uncover vast extravagances in expenditure of. money for lire equipment. Towl asked that two men be had appointed to thoroughly investigate the fire department be placed permanently on the payroll. This was denied for the third time, only Hopkins voting with TbwL Towl mid his preliminary investigations had disclosed that Ms predecessors in of floe were paying retail prices for gasoline, tires and ether equipment which be dans to buy at wholesale. These purchases, he charged, were made, to please friends of the city- hall administration.

Towl said he may bring the fire department books into council Chamber end make them public. "Then there'll an expklon." be raid. Bring. them on, said Mayor I like explosions" FORMER SUBURB OF COUNCIL BLUFFS TO REINCORFOKATE Omaha, Neb (UP) Residents of Bast Omaha, la recently divorced from Council uffi, voted Monday, 111 to 124, to reincorporate the town under the name of Carter Lake, la. Included In the new town is the Carter Lake dub, inhabited by several hundred persons who make their living in Omaha.

GIVES MAM FOR 55 MEMORIAL TO HIS SON Omaha, 'Neb. -(UP)- John A. Omaha, has donated to Doans college St Crete as memorial to his son, John Bath; Jr who pas drowned May 8 while canoeing en the Blue river rear Crete. Young Bath was a freshman at the college-. NAME REGENTS FOR MUNICIPAL university Omaha, Neb (UP) The big persons were named regents of Municipal university by the iwtrd of education here Monday night.

James Davidson, Edgar A. Baird, Alvin E. Johnson, Vilscn T- Gra-- ham, Paul T. Martin. Dr.

W. L. Shearwr. Mrs Harlan C. Fetters and F.

T. B. Martin. The city will take over Omaha university and operate It as a municipal school this fall. HAKTINGTON TO IMPROVE STREETS AT EARLY DATE Eartlngton, Neb (Special) At a meeting of the cti7 council a or-, manes was submitted and reseed to improve the streets of -the busi-.

ness district with an application of aspbaltis oi mixed with the gravel This preparation will give the tevr streets In the burins district eur-faees tirt will be next to prod streets. The ordinances have bees published end if there IS no objection on the part of property owners bids will ba called -dor and -work emir need after 23 have elapsed. LENIENCY FOR AGENT OPPOSED Undercover Worker Now Faces 30 Days in' the Jail. County Nebraska City. Neb.

(UP) -the gra ting pf a commutation of seatenc to Frank Biggs, state under-cover agent who was' sentenced to 33 da: Jail on conviction of giving a ink to one of his victims, is growing in Nebraska City. Two county officials one former district Judge havi declared their Intention of appea tag before the pardon board- June 10 when Biggs presents his plea fir commutation. Biggs was arrested here after Roy Sryanc -convicted of selling liquor on evidence supplied by the agent. He entered a complaint, charging that Biggs had Eivrn Bryant a drink and had taken a drink himself from the bottle used as evidence. Governor Arthur Weaver granted 'the agent a respite until he can appear before the pardoh board to present his case.

The county officers who are to oppose the efforts of Biggs to secure commutation are County Attorney H. Helnke and County Judge J. 51 pierks. The former district Judge 1a Paul Jessen, now a Nebraska City attorney, who insisted the charge of giving away liquor be filed against Bigga FAVOR BONDING FOR ROAD WORK Lincoln, Neh(UPl Favor of the Issuance of county bonds to raise funds for future road construction was voiced by members cf the Nebraska Good Roads association at a meeting here Tuesday night. It was proposed to submit the plan to the convention cf the association in Grand Island Direct levy, increased ante registration fees, and atats bond Issues were other plans discussed but net favored.

State Engineer Roy Cochran told the aesociat'oa that the state is black ward in road improvement largely because the federal aid for 6,590 miles of graveling has been expended. Future federal aid appropriations. Federal Engineef Shoemaker explained, must go for paw tag. GOOD CUESSER WINS THRESHING MACHINE Stuart, Neb. (SpreaD A thresh, hj machine' was won by August fCafrer of Stuait for making the nearest guess as to the number iTain of wheat In a stack.

Kataft had subscribed early In the year tc a thre Sherman's magazine which conducted the contest. MARRIED BEFORE HE WENT TO REFORMATORY Neb. (Special) before he left far, the state reformatory for men at 'Lincoln to serve a two-year term for hog stealing. Everett Kretz of Genoa Mis Clara EmoIInskl.of Genoa were mar. tied by County Judge Gibbon at the courthouse.

DODGE COUNTY BOY TOPS 1 OMAHA CATTLE MARKET Omaha, Neb, (UP) --Will H. Pfeiffer, youthful podge county feeder, topped the fat cattle market Tuesday when he disposed of head cf finished Hereford arcr sgtng 1,302 pounds at 813.50 per ewt It was the first time, in more then month thatvcattle have sold this high on the Omaha HESSIAN FIT DAMAGE LESS THAN THOUGHT Lincoln, Neb. (UP) Damage to southeastern Nebraska winter 'wheat from the Hessian fly-is not "as bad as at first described, ae-, cording to a statement, by A. E. Anderson, agricultural statistician Conditions, be said, are much lm proved and although the crop may not be so large as In former years, damage will net be caused entirely by the fly.

The sreoed brood of the insert will be hatching in a short time Anderson says, and it is. impossible time to tell how far reaching Its effects win be. rCXSON TERMS FOR EXTCClXa GIRLS AWAY Friend, Neb. (Special) Charzsd with child stealing and kidnaping, Charles Cash, 31 years old. and John Fisher, 25, both cf White Cloud.

Kan were even sentence? of seven years cf hard labor on each count by Judge Proudfit in district court. The sentences win rue 'concurrently, The were arrested by Chief of Police Reed of Denver, etas day after they indaesd Celia Boner, 14 yerrs old. end Shuttl run of! with them- j'j i i i Wt S-j- A i 1 V- BURNED WHILE USING GASOLINE TO CLEAN CLOTHES Kearney, Neb. (UP) Mrs. Clara Grascmeyer and her 10-year-oH daughter.

Bobette, are in a hospital hers recovering from burns suffered in gasoline fire. The two were burned tale Tuesday when- gasoline which Mrs. C-rassmsycr was using for cleaning purposes, ignited. Hospital attendants reported their condition as Wednesday. pioneer Woman dies IN AUTO ACCIDENT O'NJlll, Neb.

(UP) When the car to which she was riding overturned on a sharp turn near here Wednesday night, Mrs. R. T. Mw-rtson, of Hickman, 72 years a Lancaster county pioneer, was. killed Porter Beck, of was driving and was accompanied, bs sides Mrs.

Morrison, by his wife and Mr. Morrison. Mr, tttiflaaa is to a hospital here, haying sustained injuries, the-nature cf which has not been determined. While Mrs. Beck sustained cuts and brutees.

FIREWORKS DISPLAY CITY ORDINANCE Ons ha. Keb. (UP) Omaha is to hive a fireworks display on Fourth cf July- despite the ban placed on explosives last year by cKy council, but the display will be -held at- Ak-3uSen race. -track, v.hich is Just ontflde the city limits. will be staged by lhe Fcn-r, Ignelle auoetatlon which in fanner shot off a bril-iirnt pyrotechnic dlsptay annually ar park.

Po'lc; Commissioner Westergard. who aa head of the fire depertmen: vvs frther of the anti-fire crack- International Uniform Sunday School Lesson (or June 1L Calvary. Matt. BY IVM. E.

GILROY, Editor of The Congrtgationaitat Calvary was the end of the way that reached its finrJ stage in. Gethsemane, though the shadow of the enus long before that had loomed over the pathway of our Lord. How clearly Jesus In his earthly life knew from the beginning this end of the way is not made plain in the Scriptures. In fact the writers of the New Testament may so easily have 'read into the records the things that they only understood after the death and resurrection of Jesus that we have no exact means of knowing Just what was in the consciousness of Jesus or how vividly he realized what was to be tbe final sacrifice. That he understood the probable means of effecting his ministry would seem evident from the fact that he referred to constantly to the fate of the prophets who had gone before him.

He had seen, also, the martyrdom of John the and there must always have been in his mind the realisation that some, such fate was also to be his. earnestness of his prayer in Geth-semane-that tbe cop might pan would seem, on the other hand, to suggest the hope that his ministry might bs fulfilled without going the way of the Possibly In connection with all such speculations, it is worth white only to fix our- minds on the fact that from the very beginning to the end of the earthly tray, (he one supreme purpose of Jesus was to do his Fathers will. Tbe kies of his own personal safety or welfare was entirely seoondary to that supreme purpose. That he was human and tempted, like we are. is made sufficiently apparent not cnly in tbe three great temptations, but in the evidence of struggle and trial throughout bis earthly mtais-tray and in the representation of those- experiences in which only through agony and prayer did seem to find strength.

The fact Is that we must feel the humanity of 'Jesus all. the way to Tickets, Please! From Chicago Tribune. One of the numerous and best stories told about tbe tats Arthur. Twining Hadley is George Nor-tin-op's. Dr.

Hadley was on a trip out west and whetr-the Southern Pacific- conductor came around te collect the tickets he had to wait, patiently while Dr. Hadley ran sacked a dozen ncckets. But after several minutes the search was still fruitless; Dr. Hadley's nervous haste increased, and the conductors patience wore thin. Oh.

take your time. said tbe conductor sarcastically. I It was here just a moment ag tbe cross. If we lose our sense of ths reality, of that humanity, we miss the true meaning of his earthly ministry and sacrifice. If the cross were not real foi him.

his bearirfg of it would have little reality for us. Probably in most of our thought and talk ol the crocs we very little sense its actuality. We could hardly speak of it so glibly and so dogmatically as we scmeUmu do if we truly felt it reality in terms of ctual suffering. Nor was the physical pain its greatest mark. The taw of sacrifice and its mystery are perplexing.

The disappointment of one's hopes and tbe turning back of lit? into channels of seeming loss and bitterness constitute the most difficult part of the cro. Yet human life In its revelations' of sacrifice and martyrdom on behalf of truth' and right reveaU tbe facT that ft is out of the darkest and saddest experience of mankind that have come the most glorioui dawns. The scene of Calvary portrayed in our lesson Is vivid enough in its detail tbe cross ta the center of the group with the ironic inscription This is Jesus King of the Jews, upon the cross to which be was nailed, tnd the two thieves, one on eilhei side one railing against him. with the mockery with which the bas? and brutal have always reviled tbs saintly, the other, with that genuine goodness beneath his unfortunzt -career-of evil, zsccgntatag the. Jus-.

tlce of hit own punishment and turning to his last hour to find communion with the Mend of Sinners and salvation through his grae-, No detail however, can make one appreciate the lull horror of the tragedy or the lungtorjrofr the light that came in the dawn following this darknre. It revolutionizes mans thought of himself and of the world when be comes face to face srith Christ on the cross and realizes what Calvary meant in the experience ot the Man of Sorrows and srhat it has meant in the economy of the universe. pleaded the professor, beginning his wiki search all over again. XU come back for it, said the conductor, giving a parting glance cf acorn at ths professor, "but XU tell you one thing, mister, if you'd have a place for everything, and everythin in its place, you might to thi varld! With that shot, tbe conductie marched on down the aisle. When he returned, lire minutes later, toe distinguished president enwritiis off Yale univenuty apologetically -handed him the- mislaid- ticket; was a director's puts on the Southern Pacific raitcadi I A'ff 1 1 orders.

to b.s men to squeten any attempt to squeten any attempt the forbidden goads inside tha city. EDISON TCfeTS TAKEN EY S3 NEBRASKA BOYS Lincoln. Neb. (UP) What Edison is supposed to know puzzled 33 Nebraska high whool bays who tcok tho -Edisun scholarship examination, Tuczduy. LINCOLN MAN IX7ADS AIASQNiC GRAND LODGE Cmaha, ITeb.

(OP) Orville A. ot Lincoln, Thursday te-eams grand master of Nebraska Moronic grand Jcelgp. He succeed Ire a Freet of York, who held the pcsT-lcn last year. John R. Tapster ti North Dsrd depute grand martrr, J.

Dean Ringer, portal as-I ter of Omaha, grand senior ward. n. Edwin B. Johnston of Grand i fssnd. grand Junior Harden and I Lewis EL Smith of Omaha, win liue as grand secretary.


The Pender Republic from Pender, Nebraska (2024)


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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.